Module 3 – Cultivate Presence: Storytelling is Attention


Presence means being connected to and in tune with the moment as it unfolds.

When you are present you have deep access to the moment and you can convey,  with clarity, what is going on without being blinded by biases, mental constructs and conditioned responses.






This module is about cultivating a deep presence that will give you  access to what is happening in the moment. With presence, comes self-awareness and the capacity to notice the details, layers and threads that will elevate your ability to make meaning through your stories.




The mind lives in repeating images of the past and constant predictions of the future and presence is lost when the past or future interjects itself into a moment.

  • When you are out of presence you are defensiveclosed off, and telling your own story.

To be present is to be fully immersed in the moment –  and experiencing everything that is actually happening.

  • When you are present you are interested, listening, and open.

Locate yourself

In this short video, the Conscious Leadership Group helps you to locate the position from which you experience the world – and the lens through which you are writing your narrative.

Are you above or below the line?


3.1 - A disciplined state of attention