On this podcast I share how you can apply many of the same principles of tracking animals in the wild to discovering a path that’s uniquely you. I emphasize the need to question the scarcity mindset and cultural norms in order to truly be free. We also talks about the aliveness and wealth that comes from following one’s unique expression.
- The journey to self-discovery often begins with a moment of clarity. For Boyd, it was when his mentor Martha Beck said: “The restoration of the planet will come out of a shift in human consciousness.”
- True transformation always begins with not knowing. We’re conditioned to always have answers, but the real magic happens when we surrender to uncertainty.
- Your body is your compass. Pay attention to what expands your energy and what contracts it. That’s how you start developing your “track awareness” in life.
- The path to authenticity isn’t always flashy. It’s often marked by simplicity, a sense of enough, and a natural inclination towards service. That’s the real payoff of living on your track.
- True confidence is not needing anything from anyone. Paradoxically, that’s when people are most drawn to you.
- The mystics who isolated themselves in nature were onto something. Solitude strips away the unnecessary, revealing your true energy patterns and interconnectedness with all things. It’s not about escaping life, but seeing it more clearly.
- Boyd’s life has been a continuous process of discovering what he loves and finding a way to share it.