There are over 40 000 accounts of mystics going into the wilderness. Why?
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Why has the mystic and the natural world been intertwined with symbolic meaning and the path of awakening to a different way of perceiving life since the beginning of human experience?
On the 1st of April I will realize a life long dream as I go into the wilderness alone for 40 days and 40 nights to try and answer that question from inside that experience.
My hope is to explore the archetype of the mystic in nature.
How my state of consciousness changes outside of the structures of modern life.
Explore the dynamics of solitude and what it means to be wild.
For many years I have dreamed of doing this experience but to find 6 weeks to be alone has always been a challenge. Yet now with the arrival of this very strange time on our planet and a global shutdown due to pandemic it suddenly feels like the moment has arrived. For a moment the world has gone into a collective time of reflection. It seems like we are realizing our relationship with nature must evolve and we are certainly being asked to think about the way we live. Amidst the terrible suffering that has come with the virus there is also a collective reimagining and it seems inside of this context with most of the responsibilities I had for the year cancelled at the right time for this encounter.
On April 1st 2020, I will move to a wooden deck overlooking the Sand river at the Londolozi Game Reserve, bordering the Kruger National Park in South Africa, to live alone for 40 days and 40 nights. During this time I will meditate, contemplate, read, practice yoga and also spend hours in the African wilderness practicing the ancient art of animal tracking.

Each day I will share a short recording of my day with the world at large as a way to reflect and share my journey with people who may be isolated all over the world. The audio card will be dropped daily via Tree Mail at a designated spot where my team will find it and upload the episode.
Listen to the first episode: 👇🏽
The Treehouse
The old lookout treehouse is a raised wooden platform nestled in the branches of a Jackalberry tree about 10 meters cantilevered over the Sand river. After late summer rains it is a haven of verdant green and dappled sunlight.
Camp Life
- Boyd will setup and live in a camp at the Lookout Treehouse for the duration of the immersion
- The camp will have basic comforts
- Boyd will receive a weekly drop off food & water
- A balance between simplicity and a few necessary things. Yoga mat, kettle bell and wholesome foods (if it didn’t grow in the earth it’s a no go).
The Infinite Life Stream
I believe that when we become quiet enough in nature we may have the chance to hear the sound current of life speaking through creation. It is my hope that this sacred voice will find its way through me into the world.
I truly have no idea where it will go.
In the days prior to my departure there has been every emotion from elation to raw anxiety. It’s a great deal of time to be by oneself. With stillness my hope is that I will give up needing to know the wilderness in order to be known by the wilderness. It is my hope that if the story begins to resonate with you that you will feel free to reach out to me via the contact form with your questions, thoughts, ideas and own reflections. My team will be able to assist with sending them by Tree mail back onto me and I will do my best to respond on the podcast.
I hope you will join me on this adventure into nature.
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