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The Great Unlearn: Activate Your Wild Self and Awaken to a Fuller Life

The Great Unlearn Boyd Varty

On this podcast I sharem my wisdom on embracing our wild selves with my friend Cal Callahan from the Great Unlearn Podcast. We recently celebrated his 40th birthday on the South African coastline — hiking across the landscape, leaping from cliffs, and engaging in meaningful and revealing fireside conversations. Along this journey there was one primary aspect that we all felt truly touched by: the awakening of our unique wild self.

Boyd and I dive into…

➝ The ceremony of entering a new decade

➝ The journey to the wild self

➝ Becoming someone who cultivates and fosters life

➝ The intelligence of moving grief

➝ Uprooting what numbs us – identities, roles, unfelt emotions, stimulants

➝ And more!


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The Great Unlearn | Foster Presence and Find Your Authentic Track

The Great Unlearn

It’s hard for me to contain my excitement for this week’s episode.

Having spent 5 days in July 2019 in the South African bush with Boyd Varty, our guest for this week, I knew the conversation would resonate with so many.

Boyd is literally a lion tracker. He also has the unique gift of translating the lessons learned on the Londolozi Game Reserve into deep wisdom that resonates with those of us that are thousands of miles away.

In this episode, we discuss the importance of decision-making through presence, how to foster “track awareness”, and discovering that all we need is already within us. Boyd’s gift of storytelling is on full display as he shares tales that made my heart race a little faster and stoked my excitement for my next trip to Londolozi.

One thing I’ve learned from the current COVID-19 situation is that with all the uncertainty and challenges, I truly believe that this is an opportunity to question the pace with which I’ve been approaching my daily life.  With that in mind, there are few guides (if any) that I would rather have as a companion than my South African brother Boyd Varty.

Stay connected to the journey by signing up for my newsletter here!

Show Notes:

8:28 –  Tracking as a tool for development

16:00- The comparison concept

17:18 –  The meaning of Ubuntu

20:07 – How to start REAL dinner party talk

22:21 –  Separating what you want from the noise

30:05 –  Byron Katie’s meditation technique

35:48 –  Your wild side vs. social side

42:13 –  How to handle the unknown

48:32 – Boyd and his family’s traumatic experiences

1:01:30 – The authentic track

1:09:14 – Embodying different roles

1:12:33 – My slow path to love completely

1:17:30 – Fully connecting with family

1:24:17 – Teasing the trauma out

1:31:14 – The path of the tracker

1:41:09 – Your track should scare you a bit

1:42:28 –  Attuning to tracking through presence

1:46:48 – Redefining your relationship with time

1:48:56 – The paradox – is this your doing?

1:51:57 – Yoga is not about the positions

1:56:35 – Track Your Life Retreat

2:13:53 –  More presence, less conditioned response

2:15:38 – 40 days, 40 nights in the wilderness

2:18:19 –  How to disconnect with little time


Byron Katie –

Boyd Varty’s Latest Book – The Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life

Boyd Varty’s First Book – Cathedral of the Wild

40 Days and 40 Nights Podcast – 40 Days and 40 Nights Podcast

Boyd Varty’s Website –

Sit Spots – Disconnect in Nature


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