Connecting the Wilderness of Africa to You and Your Journey

Boyd Varty - 6th June 2017

It’s no secret that if I had the choice between technology or tracking an animal in the wilderness, I’d choose tracking. That said, I know that connecting this world village is made much easier, and more effective, with the use of the wonderful world of technology, social media and media sharing.

Join me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more regular updates on what I’m up to and for up to date info on the retreats that I’ll be running in future. Let’s create connections from the wilderness of Africa to wherever you are in your journey…


  function …

Step Into Your Power: The Empowered Visionary World Summit

Boyd Varty - 18th April 2017


Wisdom and enlightenment are nothing if not shared with those around us. My heart and roots are grounded in the ancient art of storytelling, and this allows me to share what I have learned, and share my essence with those around me.

To that end, I have joined Kari Van Tine in The Empowered Visionary Summit – a free online event where I will spend some time – along with other visionary speakers –  sharing some of my stories and contributing to this living village.

Kari is the perfect …

Live By Following Your Heart: LEAP retreat 2017

Boyd Varty - 14th April 2017
Are you feeling called to create a life that is wilder and more beautiful?

Are you ready to live by following your heart, not the rules …

The Art of Tracking

Boyd Varty - 12th April 2017
Track Your Life Men

Village Building: Cultivating a sense of shared wellbeing

Boyd Varty - 18th September 2016

I see it time and time again in my own village. By working hard to cultivate a sense of shared wellbeing- be it to keep common areas neat and tidy, to regenerate the village by planting life back into it, or to keep an eye on your fellow neighbour’s health in times of sickness, it cultivates the best in everyone. It becomes a place to return to a deeper humanity and begins to represent a place for much deeper connections. The village, and village living, becomes a way that we can all hold each other in community, and it gives those …

A Sense of Wilderness

Boyd Varty - 6th March 2016


I am always struck deeply by the sense of belonging I have when I drive out on a piece of wild land with no other person around and see a creature as magnificent as a leopard and he accepts my presence. I pray that other people will have the chance to feel that. I pray for future generations to have that chance. I want to bottle the feeling of awe and safety that comes when we begin to lose our fear of the unknown wilderness and see it for …

Lessons from the Wild Part 1

Boyd Varty - 21st February 2016

The natural world is always communicating with us. If we learn to listen and learn from it, there is no better teacher on the subject of how we should live.

In the process of tracking our lives and building our villages, we naturally become more closely attuned with the natural world. We begin to fall into the rhythms of nature, and to understand the guidance and lessons we are receiving. We come to see the harmony of nature’s unfolding and all the ways it holds us. Our souls are fed as we learn to live in line with our …